Interesting ride
14 August 2013
Warning: Spoilers
This is the fourth movie in the Pang brothers' The Eye horror series. Of the three previous I've only seen the first, which I recall as an effective and interesting horror movie. This one found its way into my collection as a filler in a movie order of another title, and was the first real made-in-3D movie I watched on my new 3D HDTV. 3D still feels like a mostly unnecessary gimmick to me, and I fail to see how this movie would have been any less effective without the 3D, but disregarding that, the 3D was mostly still quite effective.

As for the movie itself, it starts out interestingly enough, and builds up a premise that could have been taken pretty much anywhere. The shock effects are predictable enough, but between the dog child and mysterious shadow woman, and all the strange on-goings with the three men in particular - making the three women the ones who have to drive the story forward - it has many elements that could make for a really good horror story overall. Unfortunately, when it comes time to tie up all the threads, it does so in a somewhat disappointing way. It's still better than most American horror movies I've seen lately.

The original The Eye is a better view overall, but you can certainly do worse than this one too.
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