You disappoint me, Bruno
20 September 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Bruno Mattei is one of my favorite directors. Not because he's great, but because he is always entertainingly terrible. Who can forget such amazing films as "Women's Prison Massacre" or "Zombie 3". He was unique.

"Land of Death" is often touted as Predator meets Cannibal Holocaust, but really it's not. Yeah, he steals scenes from Predator (in fact, he steals the same scene THREE TIMES in typical Bruno ham-handed manner), but really it's only because he has soldiers in the jungle, so why not? The plot does not otherwise mirror Predator. There is not even a giant boss-fight in the end, though with supernal brilliance, he actually foreshadows such a boss-fight in the dialogue and scenes. Then doesn't deliver. Et tu, Bruno? Two acts of on-camera animal violence, and it is probable that the murdered piglet is a prop - seems kind of prop-like during the death scene. I'm pretty sure they killed that snake though - jerks.

The aspect that bugged me the most was how quickly Bruno's "crack soldiers" lusted for insane vengeance on the not-really-cannibals, after one (1) of their guys was killed. Particularly because we see the soldiers kill dozens to hundreds of the indians in retaliation, including burning down their village. Yet I think we are supposed to root for the soldiers.

My favorite guy was Kruger, the "Irishman". In fairness he did have a mock-Irish accent.

Really my problem with Land of Death is that it wasn't batshit stupid enough to stand with Bruno Mattei's greatest moments. On the other hand, because it was a disappointing Bruno Mattei film, that kind of makes it the perfect Bruno Mattei film.

If you are a Mattei fan, check it out. If you are not yet a Mattei fan, go watch The Other Hell, The Tomb, Island of the Living Dead, Women's Prison Massacre, SS Girls, or Hell of the Living Dead first. Those will amaze you with Bruno's chutzpah.
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