Not Really That Good, But Not As Bad As Some of The Reviews Would Lead You To Believe
29 September 2013
First of all, I would like to point out that if you're watching this movie entirely for the expectation of gore (like I was), you're probably going to be disappointed. Don't get me wrong it's definitely there, but it's nowhere near the level of the "groundbreaking tour-de-force" the creators would like you to believe it is, your average homemade German splatter flick (e.g. Zombie '90: Extreme Pestilence, Bone Sickness, etc.) could outdo this one in a heartbeat.

As far as the plot goes, the movie actually manages to tell a rather interesting story about a traumatized and mentally-unstable young boy named Marcus that grew up into a vicious masked killer. Marcus' voice was effective most of the time, but others (like when he starts singing) it just sounds ridiculous. But overall I was pleased with the killer.

The biggest thing that dragged the movie down for me was the long, boring, dragged-out torture sequence near the end that killed the movie's otherwise decent pace. Marcus also starts getting pretty redundant around this point ("I'm the dealer of pain", "I'm here to cause you pain", "I am going to show you what pain feels like", etc.).

This movie apparently was the official selection of several film festivals, and the cover shows one critic describing Marcus as "the new legendary slasher". This movie is far from legendary, but it's a decent way to kill some time.

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