Film I Remember.
5 October 2013
Doug McClure stars as Bowen Tyler, who is rescued from his sunken British ship(along with a woman named Susan) by the German submarine who sunk it during World War I. Taken as prisoners, Bowen leads a revolt, but is too late to prevent the U-boat from drifting into uncharted waters. There, they find a land called Caprona, where dinosaurs and prehistoric humans still exist. Both sides forget the war in order to repair and refuel(oil is in abundance)the ship, though they suffer some losses from dinosaur attacks. A volcano also threatens to erupt, so it is a race against time if they hope to escape.

Entertaining film based on an Edgar Rice Burrough's story has good direction by Kevin Connor, and a good cast(including Anthony Ainley, before he became the new Master from "Doctor Who") The F/X aren't that bad either, and film holds up reasonably well, despite the pulp elements, and familiar story.
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