Not as Important as They Think
14 October 2013
Let me say up front that I have serious reservations about hacking as political tactic. The members of Anonymous attack anyone they don't like, without reference to any set of political principles or the likelihood that their actions will change anything. Based on the film's interviews with Anonymous members, they're motivated as much by the thrill of the hack as by any serious political agenda. I also question the filmmaker's selection of some of their interview subjects. One guy from New York is apparently incapable of uttering a sentence without using "f***" or "f***ing" at least twice. Barrett Brown, a so-called spokesman for Anonymous, is so affected it sounds like he's working on a William F. Buckley impersonation while waving around his unlit cigarette. When these guys tell you they're changing the world, it's a bit difficult to believe. This isn't a bad documentary - it's well done technically and it's certainly informative. What it didn't do was change my mind about the legitimacy and important of Anonymous.
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