Review of Revival

Star Wars: The Clone Wars: Revival (2012)
Season 5, Episode 1
Promising Start
8 November 2013
Season five starts with a promising future, which keeps you wondering as to what Darth Maul is actually upto.

Firstly I was against the concept of Darth Maul's survival, but I am beginning to accept the fact episode by episode. If you look at it the other way it is a curious concept and it will be interesting to know as to how will Anakin react when faced with the truth of death of Qui-Gon Jinn, and the fact that his killer is back for revenge.

It seems Maul has some different plans than to face Kenobi in an all out duel as of yet. I felt this episode a little "disconnected" from the previous one. Maybe its just me! Anyways Maul seem to lack the brute strength and rough or scary fighting style which he had in the Phantom Menace. Savage is OK. The episode is bit dark for the underage audience, but is a good thing as it provides a certain intensity. Also it has some great action scenes.

Direction/Animation: Great. Animation seems improved from the previous seasons.

Script: Above Average.

Music: Awesome.

Overall an enjoyable episode.
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