Scenic Route (2013)
Scenic Route Would Make A Great Short
11 November 2013
The film is basically an hour of two friends needlessly bashing each other physically and psychologically to the point where you are ready to leave the theater - which is what I did. I thought the film was terrible, but at the behest of a friend, I rented the DVD. I scrubbed through 90% of the film to the end where I was pleasantly surprised by a great plot twist that was well executed.

So my rating goes from a minus something to a reluctant five for a cool ending of a first effort. To those thinking of renting the DVD though - watching is still torture unless you chop the second act. If you do watch this film the repetitive bashing starts twenty minutes in so whenever you tire of this you can save your sanity by skipping to the start of the plot twist at an hour and fifteen minutes for a reasonably entertaining half hour short.

FLASH TO FILMMAKERS - No one but your parents and friends will pay $20 to see a feature film that takes an hour and fifteen minutes to engage its audience. The static script might have worked as an off-Broadway one act but as an 86 minute moving picture film this needed a lot of development - or at the very least a lot of heavy editing.

FLASH TO PARENTS AND FRIENDS WHO POSTED INCREDIBLE REVIEWS - if your reviews were disingenuous, you are not only cheating IMDb readers but the people behind this film. Think about it. You are building unreasonable expectations for a $20 movie ticket or DVD sale that the material cannot support. What should have been a great "reel" and learning experience for the filmmakers is now going to be held to the unreasonably high standard of your reviews. This is not going to sit well with people who watch based on your recommendations.
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