Mediocre WW II tale
24 November 2013
Warning: Spoilers
The idea behind this movie - British Prime Minister Winston Churchill being kidnapped by German forces during World War II - was a promising one, even if it seems derived from the plot of the movie "The Eagle Has Landed". In fact, both movies have the same twist at their conclusions! Anyway, while there was promise with this movie, the production was unfortunately made by Italian filmmakers in the late 1990s, when the Italian B movie industry was on its last legs. Budgets by this time were more limited and it was much harder to stretch a dollar than just a few years earlier. This may explain why much of the movie has a cheap feeling to it. Most of the budget seems to have gone to getting its unusual and once in a lifetime cast. Despite professionals like Ford and Pleasance in the cast, none of the actors seems to be giving its all. That may be because the movie is not directed in a particularly engaging style, frequently coming across as slow and sluggish. While this movie is far from the worst Italian B movie actioners that I've seen - it's neither vigorously inept nor boring - I suspect most viewers will feel disappointed at the end.
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