The Monkees: Son of a Gypsy (1966)
Season 1, Episode 16
Vincent Beck and Vic Tayback
22 December 2013
"Son of a Gypsy" has Peter held hostage by a thieving band of gypsies, who demand that Micky, Davy, and Mike steal for them the priceless 'Maltese Vulture' (Peter would also be kidnapped in the following episode). Led by Jeanne Arnold, they're an interesting bunch, with both Vincent Beck ("Royal Flush") and Vic Tayback ("Your Friendly Neighborhood Kidnappers") returning a third time the second season. The best gags involve the three Monkees desperately trying to worm their way past two security guards; best of all, Mike and Micky nervously eye their lit matches as they attempt to start a fire, only to be branded as litterbugs by the guards! The lone song is again Neil Diamond's "I'm a Believer," in its fourth straight appearance (and its last). Broadcast no. 16 (Dec 26 1966), "Son of a Gypsy" was 20th in production, filmed Oct 26-27.
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