Review of In My Pocket

In My Pocket (2011)
The plot line makes no sense
29 December 2013
Warning: Spoilers
A college student overdoses on drugs and wakes up in the hospital. The parents say if he doesn't admit himself into rehab that they will stop supporting him. Next it shows the parents signing papers, as if they are having him committed. It turns out he is in fact committed, to a mental ward, without his consent. What? No judge ordered him to be put into a mental hospital. No judge ordered him into forced rehab. He didn't want to go, so why is he there? The only plausible explanation is that he willingly allowed himself to be committed to a mental hospital. The kind with steel grates over all the windows so you can't escape. Are we supposed to believe that he did this just so his parents would keep supporting him?

He was failing out of med school and also ran a drug lab. Why would he need their money? He could get a job at 7-11 (or keep selling drugs)and move into a crappy apartment with a friend, but instead he chooses to lock himself up in a mental hospital?

There are violent criminals locked up in there as well, but when the main characters ex-girlfriend comes to visit him, they allow her to wander the halls, with all of the patients, looking for him. Is this really how secured mental hospitals and secured drug rehab facilities for ex-cons operate? Whoever wrote this movie doesn't seem to understand that if you are an adult, your parents cannot commit you to a mental hospital by signing some papers. If this guy did commit himself to this particular facility, then he is just stupid. It's too bad, because the acting and special effects are pretty decent. The story is absolutely absurd.
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