Sherlock: Many Happy Returns (2013)
Season 3, Episode 0
Season 3 prequel: A tease but a welcome one
29 December 2013
Just in case viewers weren't already wishing their Christmas break away in order to get to the New Year's Day return of Sherlock to the BBC, this little mini prequel came out a week before that return with a short that alludes to him being alive. In a pub Anderson tries to convince Lestrade that a handful of complex crimes across the world can only have been solved by Holmes, regardless of who publicly took the credit. Meanwhile, John Watson gets to watch a longer version of the DVD Holmes did for him on his birthday, bringing back some painful memories. But, he's definitely dead right? Smile, wink.

Like everyone else I am very much looking forward to the return of Sherlock and the continued mystery over how Steven Moffat can write such tight and engaging stories for this show but be all over the shop with Doctor Who, sorry, I mean of course the mystery over how he survived a fatal fall while making it look like he died at the end of the second season. This little short doesn't do anything that whet the appetite for the return but it is amusing and fun in its own way. Wisely Sherlock himself only appears in two ways – one is as a suggested outline in the visualization of Anderson's theories and the other is in a pre-recorded DVD, albeit one that is paused at a key moment. This is a wise choice as nobody wants to play the card early, but it does also help add to the appeal.

It is a throwaway short of course – just a 7-minute promo but it is fun. Freeman and Graves carry it along and the cheeky direction and use of the instantly recognizable music makes it one big tease – albeit a tease that is self-inflicted by the viewer and one that can be enjoyed now that the wait is down to days.
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