Malibu High (1979)
Bad movie, and not in a good way.
3 January 2014
When I watched this movie for the first and only time, I had no idea what I was in for. It was such a pile of crap that I had to write a review.

First of all, the cover completely misleads anyone who sees it into thinking this could be a comedy/feel good movie like Porky's. It's NOT! It's a story of a sad high school girl who turns to slutty ways to keep herself from flunking out, then gets herself a pimp to work for to earn her money to support her drug habits. She switches pimps to upgrade herself and eventually becomes a hit woman.

There is some nudity (not so great because Jill Lansing isn't attractive) and violence (tame by todays standards), no suspense, nobody with acting abilities, LOTS of bad acting, pretty much bad everything. Some of the awfulness is mildly laughable, but most is not. The most entertaining part is the Peoples Court theme song playing during the final chase sequence.

This would make a decent Mystery Science Theater movie and is only watchable if you have some other like minded people watching with you to help heckle.

Typical (bad) bad 70's movie.
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