4 January 2014
Warning: Spoilers
In reply to the earlier poster, YES, acting does matter in any movie, be it horror, comedy, sci-fi, musical or whatever. Bad acting takes you out of the story and hinders belief. I would say it's especially important in horror, because there must be a lot of suspension of belief compared to some genres. I think true horror fans want their fave genre to be as respected as well-produced as others, and that means hiring actors who can act. I don't understand the idea of excusing bad acting or scripting or directing or production values because something is horror and not nordic noir! This was awful.

I was lured in by the premise of King-esque deaths, which is a great idea.

But disappointment ensued. How about, for example, (MILD SPOILER) the killer training a real wolf to sic on the black guy? That would have been inventive and made sense. Instead we get a run-of-the-mill slasher.

I reserve a BIG yawn, too, for movies that purport to be parodies of cheesiness, while using the 'parody' excuse to exploit certain things, ie, half-naked women. Parody only works if it's actually funny. This suffered from a horrendously bad script. Honestly, I found precisely nothing to like about this film.
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