It takes it's subject matter seriously and has some interesting and insightful things to say about it.
13 January 2014
'THANKS FOR SHARING': Three and a Half Stars (Out of Five)

A comedy-drama film about sex addiction focusing on multiple members of a support group. It stars Mark Ruffalo, Tim Robbins, Josh Gad, Gwyneth Paltrow, Joely Richardson, Patrick Fugit and Pink (going by her real name Alecia Moore). It's co-written (with Matt Winston) and directed by Stuart Blumberg (in his directorial debut). Winston is an actor turned first-time writer and Blumberg has previously written (or co-written) such films as 'KEEPING THE FAITH', 'THE GIRL NEXT DOOR' and 'THE KIDS ARE Alright' (which also co-starred Ruffalo). The movie is funny and surprisingly dramatic in places; it's not a completely well rounded film but decent enough.

Ruffalo plays Adam, a recovering member of a sex-addict support group lead by Mike (Robbins). Other members of the group include a doctor named Neil (Gad) and a young woman named Dede (Pink). Adam just met Phoebe (Paltrow) but is of course reluctant to tell her about his problem even as things get very serious between the two. Mike's estranged son Danny (Fugit) has just returned home and is recovering from drug problems. Each member shows their support not just with each other's sex addiction but their other issues as well.

The movie is funny in places but even more than that it's a pretty hard-hitting drama as well. I was really surprised at how serious and dark the film got in places (given it's light comedic elements at other times). It's pretty uneven in that way but the characters are well thought out and the actors all do a decent job portraying them. The filmmakers also take the movie's subject matter very seriously as well and have some interesting and insightful things to say about it.

Watch our movie review show 'MOVIE TALK' at: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0gmBnRGZV8o
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