Video Murders (1988 Video)
Video killed the acting star
5 February 2014
This movie fell below the standard of what I expected. I really didn't expect it to be this rank, amidst some spells or scenes that drag on. Private Lesson's Eric Brown, an actor who should of gone further than he did, plays a psychopathic loner, disowned from his mum, whatever, who I guess, gets his kicks strangling hookers while being videoed. He really wants to get into the video business. Soon begins a manhunt, for the wanted killer, led by a driven veteran cop who has a personal hard on, an animus for catching this guy, which as the movie climactically or sadly ends, the cops view is different and more emphatic. The one redeeming thing about it, apart from Brown's strong performance, though the cop isn't bad either. While primarily seeing it for Brown, yes, I was pretty let down as expecting better quality. There's not much follow through of plot, most of it, is cat and mouse. It's a very cheaply done movie, you probably won't be expecting it to be this rank, but for Brown's performance, it's worth the view. I'd rather be strangling the director or scriptwriter for this one. But we do have a bit of flesh too.
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