Voice Over (2011)
Come On It's A Cop Out Ending
6 March 2014
Warning: Spoilers
A short film linking three separate story lines . I was reminded somewhat of Aronofsky's THE FOUNTAIN a film I didn't like though it was beautiful to look at from a technical viewpoint . VOICE OVER is also another beautiful looking and I wonder how much it cost . Almost certainly one of the more expensive shorts I've watched recently with the underwater scenes in particular stand out . Very good cinematography and very good editing and for the most part my attention was gripped as the three separate stories were intercut with one another . The problem lies in the ending . It's at this point I suppose the audience are gasping " Sacre bleu " and so was I - except not in a complimentary admiring way . It's good for the most part and some people will enjoy the feel good factor to it but seems very much like a cop out of sorts which is a pity
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