Mr. Moto vs the League of Assassins
7 March 2014
Mr. Moto is undercover again. This time he helps Leon Ames escape from Devil's Island and then works for him as a servant so he can spy on the League of Assassins that Ames is part of. From what I've read here, this part of the movie has ruffled a few feathers as Lorre plays the Japanese servant in a very stereotypical manner. But it should be pointed out he's trying to appear slow-witted and harmless to throw off suspicion, so it's not like a Stepin Fetchit situation. There's actually a plot reasoning for it; he's not doing it to get racist laughs. Moto also puts on a disguise as a German artist at the art show late in the movie. This is amusing when you think about it: a German playing Japanese playing a German. Overall, it's not the best Moto picture. Lorre's performance helps things greatly but the story is pretty weak. Henry Wilcoxon plays an infuriating character who keeps refusing to believe there's any danger. There's a mystery about who is the leader of the League of Assassins that will come as no surprise to anyone. I'll give you a hint: it's an American actor using a dreadful British accent. It's a nice time-killer but nothing more.
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