Review of Alone

The Walking Dead: Alone (2014)
Season 4, Episode 13
Limping to the Season 4 finish line...
10 March 2014
Every few years a new series comes out and is hailed as the unassailable king of television… WALKING DEAD has been that series for the last few years, but I think its time, like so many before, has now come and gone. This show reminds me a lot of LOST in that it began with very strong cast of characters who could hold their own episodes - but now that it has stretched on it is becoming predictable and slow. It seems clear now, with only 3 episodes left, that the writers had no intention of launching into the new Terminus storyline until Season 5 - and so we get eight episodes shot mostly in the woods simultaneously to save on time and money. Side characters are being given full episodes to show off the actors abilities (probably before killing most of them off) and the same decisions are being rehashed and remade week after week. A single two-hour premiere could have covered the entire same ground and kept things fresh and alive.

It's the sad but true rule of television series writing - the suits invest in an infrastructure and want to get every possible dime out of it before investing in anything else, so it drags out until it becomes ludicrous and people stop watching … I'm about to decide life is too short to waste on a show that seems to only want to take up my time now rather than to actually entertain me.
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