South Park: The Stick of Truth (2014 Video Game)
OMG! They didn't kill this video game! Finally! A South Park game that's worth playing! MMMkay!
15 March 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Don't kick the baby, play this game! Based on the animated television series, South Park. The Stick of Truth is a 2D role-playing video game in a 3D world similar to Paper Mario. The game does manage to nail the South Park style that we've all grown to love. The game almost didn't get released due to the parent company, THQ going bankrupted. The delays on South Park: The Stick of Truth was satirized in the 2013's "Black Friday" episodes trilogy of the TV Show where they denounces the pre-order system in "Black Friday", and skeptical of the game's proposed release at the end of "Titties and Dragons" episode. It wasn't until Ubisoft acquired the game that it was release finally. The game was everything, a South Park fan can ask for. South Park creators Trey Parker and Matt Stone put nearly everything into this game, from the script, overseeing the project, and provided the voices of the characters. The player takes the character of 'The New Kid', dubbed "Douchebag", a silent protagonist who has recently moved to the town with no memory of his past. He befriend the local boys, he becomes involved in an epic role-playing fantasy game, featuring human wizards and warriors lead by Wizard King Cartman (Trey Parker) battling elves lead by Kyle (Matt Stone) for control of the Stick of Truth, a twig that possesses limitless power. Meanwhile something mysterious from outer space crash in South Park, and turning people into Nazis Zombies which the government is covering up. Without spoiling too much. The story isn't the best written story, I ever witness from the writers, but it works even with all its uneven plot, and unexplained loose ends. It seem that the game really try to cramped as much things in there, from playing satire or being meta of past video games, pop culture, and even politics. There are even controversial themes throughout the game that might disturb some people. The Game is Rated Mature for a reason, so it's not a game that young children should be playing. The game is bloody gory extremely violent. There are lot of gross toilet humor. Lots of foul language. Lots of graphic nudity. Lots of racism and dark humor jokes. Some of the gameplay is pretty out there, gross to point you might want to take a shower after it, like fighting in an abortion clinic, fighting dwarfs while your character parents have sex, anal probing, and last, fighting in a guy's anus track. The game was so controversy, that it was banned or censored in the Europe, Middle East, and African regions. For the European and Australian versions of the game, during certain censored scenes an image of a statute making a face-palming gesture appears, along with text describing what you would have seen in the uncut version. Some of the censored scenes depicted anal probing, abortion or anything with Nazism. In the US, it's not cut at all, so if you get easily offended. This game isn't for you. The Stick of Truth features many characters from the history of the South Park television series, and there are tons of background references to famous episodes like the music, posters, and etc. Lot of open world checking out, as you can visit anywhere you want, from City Wok to 8 Bit Canada. The player has the choice of playing as four type of characters: fighter, theft, Jew, or Mage. Honestly, play as all of them at less once. Surprising the Jew one is really outlandish funny. The costumes change over the course of the game, from Sci-Fiction, to Gothic, to Doctor, to even a girly girl with each mission and power up. Varied customization, but limited in certain scenes of the game. Combat player will have the opportunity to control the available South Park characters as buddies to help with the journey. The best character to help you throughout the game would be your first friend Butters. All the combat are supposed to resemble children play-fighting where something like a flaming tennis ball, in the mind of the child, is an actual spell or a fart is curse. Weapons will have upgrades available, limiting the amount of loot available during the course of the game. Still, the game has a slow weapon menu that kinda get annoying when enemies would mock you for taking so long to attack. They really don't give you much time. The combat is a turn-based system similar to that of Final Fantasy or Elder Scrolls type game. Timed inputs will be used to block, counter, or inflict stronger damage on foes. The enemies in the game are challenging, but not too hard once you get the hang of the controller and fighting styles. It's harder to play if you're doing it in keyboard, so don't. Lot of action, and not too repeatable enemies. The game normally count in around 50 to 70 hour mark, with good players beating all the missions in less than 14 hours. Lots of replay value as there are a lot side quests to do besides the main story plot liking hide & seek, finding Jesus, or catch Manbearpig. The cut scenes might get annoying at times. Battle system could get repetitive. There were lot of downloadable content, but it seem like those plans were cancelled when Ubisoft became the publisher of the game. According to Trey Parker and Matt Stone they do not want story DLC. If they were to be available, you can get three packs that are based on the episodes "Good Time With Weapons'', "The Coon" and others. Depending on what system, you're playing it, you might get bugs or glitches. The XBOX 360 seem to run well. The game on PC, doesn't. So bugs and glitches are to be expected. Overall: Howdy Ho! I had great fun playing it. It's super. Thanks for asking.
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