Review of Halo 4

Halo 4 (2012 Video Game)
2 April 2014
I went into this game with great expectations but was sorely disappointed by a lot of things.

1. The weapons were really bad for the most part. Most of them were brand-new and looked awesome, but underperformed in the long run.

2. The game-play graphics were absolutely horrendous. The brightness was set WAY too high and made many areas and players impossible to see, and the appearances of the characters were so overly done that they looked like machines.

3. The multi-player was terrible to say the least. There was simply not one good thing about it. Way too fast-paced, the graphics were still awful, and the presence of kill-streaks and care packages turned Halo into Call of Duty, and it did not work at all. Halo multi-player became completely unrecognizable.

I will credit the campaign story with being well-constructed and pretty immersing, but the weapons and graphics took too much away from that. 343 absolutely wrecked the uniqueness that was Halo multi-player and replaced it with a wannabe Call of Duty clone. The only reason this game gets a 3/10 from me is the storyline. It's not worth the money. Good thing I only played it at a friend's house.
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