Matthew Modine is Jesus
7 April 2014
Jesus Was A Commie starts strong with Matthew Modine realizing something that occurs to most people in about the seventh grade: Communism works... IN THEORY! From here, Modine meanders through several other bravely controversial arguments while he also literally meanders through New York City (stopping only to pose beside the most destitute of homeless men). Modine's musings are a muddled mess of political and religious nothings strung together with the sort of word association logic that would make Robert Langdon blush. After making a brief, yet totally nonsensical trek through the (as yet unproven) multiverse, Modine concludes with a vague call to arms, demanding that someone in the audience just admit that they are the new messiah.

What is most interesting about this film is the estimated $75,000 budget, because buddy, film students are churning out self-important stuff like this on the daily without even breaking a twenty. Either someone conned Modine into paying about 74,500 dollars more than he should have for the equipment rental, or VHS quality news footage of "communism" has really skyrocketed in price. OR the estimated budget is wrong, which I dearly hope is true.
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