Hercules' cut-and-paste adventures
9 April 2014
HERCULES THE AVENGER is a cheapo peplum adventure that rips off plenty of footage from two previous HERCULES outings, HERCULES AND THE CAPTIVE WOMEN and HERCULES IN THE HAUNTED WORLD. Needless to say, those two earlier films are much, much better, leaving this a curious relic more than anything else.

Director Maurizio Lucidi handles the newly-filmed footage which sees Hercules attempting to save his beleaguered son as well as the people of Syracuse when they're menaced by the Earth goddess Gaia as well as her evil son (played by SUPERARGO actor Giovanni Cianfriglia). Inevitably, much of the storyline sees our hero engaging in oddly-familiar adventures underground.

HERCULES THE AVENGER is really a film for cult fans only. It has its positives, such as a relatively fast pace for this genre and plenty of action, but the calibre of the acting is below par (Reg Park seems to be on particularly bad form) and the material is just too familiar to be fully enjoyable. Even the climactic fight employs a plot twist involving the strength of the villain which was already played out in one of the Steve Reeves HERCULES films I watched. Certainly a forgettable effort in a genre already loaded with them.
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