The Raid 2 (2014)
and I thought the Raid was brilliant
12 April 2014
Warning: Spoilers
In simple terms this movie takes place 2 hours after the original. Our hero is basically told he has found one little fish and the police want him to go very undercover and weed out the bigger fish. That's essentially the story where Rama is tasked with befriending the big boss's son who is in prison. One of the things I love about this movie is the director appreciates the talent he has available and he uses it. I can picture his direction being "right you know what you can do, have fun and I'll roll the camera and let you guys do your stuff". Simply put that would have worked. There is yet again a lot of brilliant martial arts in this movie, very little gun play compared to the first one, quite honestly this could be a stand alone film. The story is different to the raid but is still great. Only criticism I would consider is that the films a bit long but I did enjoy it so didn't really care. A word of warning this is not a martial arts movie you get the kids to watch it is very brutal the action looks very bloody and the weapon work is very realistic/close quarter. This movie makes a lot of 18 rated films look tame. Enjoy it and if you study martial arts you will love it
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