Super Force (1990–1992)
Turbo Force
5 May 2014
Armored superheroes are always interesting, their pretty much our modern day equivalent to the medieval knights. It's probably because of the small feeling of invulnerability but mainly that they give you the ability and opportunity to take action.

This is an under the radar gem and another childhood relic of mine, I saw this when I was about 8 and the idea of seeing a technologically armored hero blew my mind at the time.

This show sort of predates the "Iron Man" films and a bit of the current TV show "Arrow" in a way, yeah it's not a new concept but it done right. The show was done on a modest budget but it was used well, the effects are on par though some of them look a bit dated, this was a show made in the early 90's what can you really expect. The theme song is very good, it fits the show it has that heroic tune, along with some of the music in the show which is also fun.

The pacing is good, the characters are solid if not deep. Zachary Stone/Super Force is a solid protagonist, I like that he's a hero and superhero at the same time which is something I don't feel is done much. In the day time he's a regular detective which is his hero role and I like that he has a practical charisma, and by night of course he's Super Force so that's his super hero role he's has a dry sort of charisma. I think it's an interesting acting feet because it really feels not just like he's playing off two different persona's but almost two different people. Which makes perfect sense, if your going to be a superhero you wouldn't want anyone to really guess who you are.

Even like supporting character F.X. Spinner played well by Larry B. Scott, and yes I watched "Revenge of the Nerds" he was one of my favorite characters. I like that he's a nerd but he's not a stereotypical one, he's kinda cool he's got charisma but most importantly he's a hero as well, at times he not just looks up info for Zack/Super Force as well create gadgets (like Q for James Bond) or fix/improve on the suits functions but he sometimes takes a proactive role at times. And I like the back and forth between both of them so there is kinda a buddy cop element.

However it's the action that really makes the show and the action I think is very good, it's choreographed well and the effects as I mentioned are on par because most to all are practical. I even like the atmosphere in the show which is fun and dark at the same time. The design of the suit is great looks almost like a futuristic samurai from the shape of the helmet, but also the bike as well and the weapons. He's sort of like the Japanese Superhero "Karmen Rider" whom is also armored and rides a motor bike. It's always such a joy seeing him use them and he uses them well depending on what the situation dictates.

The only bad thing about the show was the second season when they were trying to introduces radical new elements like aliens and the supernatural which I thought was a turn in the wrong direction and just completely out of place (let alone out of whack). They really should of keep this film in it's previous direction because that wrong direction sadly was what made the show come to a screeching halt.

Overall, this was a solid sci-fi show that is worth a test drive and personally wouldn't mind seeing a revival for. Super Force has a lot of speed and force.

Rating: 3 stars
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