South Park: The Stick of Truth (2014 Video Game)
A great game let down by building boredom
9 May 2014
The Stick of Truth is so good in many ways, but is ultimately bogged down by very repetitive gameplay and logs spells between excitement. I hate to complain about a game so imaginative and cute, but it did become a issue with me the more and more I played through it.

You play as a new kid in town, customizable to your discretion, who makes friends with the South Park gang and becomes involved in their fantasy role-playing games when the precious Stick of Truth is stolen from Cartman. A terrifying plot involving aliens, anal probes, zombie Nazis, abortion clinics, and ManBearPig himself, plus many side-quests make up the lengthy adventure which is a hilarious parody of fantasy RPGs, while being a decent RPG in its own right at the same time (but also retaining many of the flaws of the genre).

The voice acting by Trey Parker and Matt Stone is, as expected, brilliant, as well as their cute animation style, and their humor which alternates between satirical and grotesque permeates ever scene. You really will feel like you are controlling an actual episode of South Park. Nods to 16-bit RPGs during the Canada scenes will appeal to older gamers too.

The downside is that there is not enough variation during the short campaign in regards to weapons, armor, and power-ups. The battles eventually become redundant as the XP levels are capped at level 15. Many of the trophies will require multiple play-throughs, and some are even locked-out once the main campaign is over. Bad choices there from the developers.

It's worth playing through once, and will appeal to all fans of the show, but boredom will set in at around the halfway mark and you'll probably be somewhat disappointed with it.
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