The Prophecy: Uprising (2005 Video)
Has an Uneven Feel to It
20 June 2014
In order to understand this fourth movie of "the Prophecy" series it is probably best to have seen at least one of the three movies that preceded it. If that isn't an option then I will attempt to give my view on what this movie is all about. In the first movie it is learned that there has been a war in Heaven between those angels loyal to God (with the archangel Michael as their leader) and those who want to compel God to reverse his favoritism to humans (led by the archangel Gabriel and his angels). Lucifer and his demons comprise the third faction and don't favor either side. Yet another element is added by this particular movie when a demon by the name of "Belial" rebels against Lucifer in order to create a literal hell on earth. In essence then there are 4 factions that now exist and at least two of them are after a book known as "the Prophet's Lexicon" which predicts certain events which have great value to whichever side can acquire it. As it turns out, this book has been placed in the hands of a young woman named "Allison" (Kari Wuhrer) who is immediately targeted by Belial. In order to protect her from Belial a person named "John Riegert" (John Light) needs to first locate her and to do that he gets her long lost brother, "Dani Simionescu" (Sean Pertwee) to help him. Since the audience is not told which side John Riegert represents until the very end I suppose it would be best not to reveal that in order not to spoil the movie for those who haven't seen it. I can say however that another angel named "Simon" also assists Allison but his human form is never seen and the faction he represents is open to interpretation. Be that as it may, I liked this film much better than the first three movies if for no other reason than that it doesn't get mired in bizarre pseudo-apocryphal mumbo jumbo which totally rewrites basic Scripture. This one stays more focused on the matter at hand. Unfortunately, the best asset the first three movies had was the presence of Christopher Walken (as "Gabriel") and he is noticeably absent from this film. Even so, I believe that a viewer can still enjoy this particular movie provided that they don't get too confused with what is going on. Hopefully my review helps somewhat. In any case, while this movie clearly won't win any major awards and has an uneven feel to it I believe that it's possibly deserving of an average rating. But not much higher than that.
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