An enjoyable slice of life...
21 June 2014
"The Thing About My Folks" begins with Sam (Peter Falk) dropping by unannounced to the home of his son, Ben (Paul Reiser). They ask him why he unexpectedly showed up, Sam is rather nonchalant. Then, almost like an afterthought, he mentions that his wife just left him! Sam is shocked to hear that his parents have broken up after 46 years and immediately he and his siblings all talk on the phone about what to do. Well, for the meantime, Sam will stay with Ben and his family...and then?

Shortly after, Ben takes Sam on a trip to see some property he might buy out in the country. However, soon Sam suggests that instead of going back home that they go on a road trip--and where, exactly, he has no idea. Much of the rest of the movie is a meandering affair where the father and son bond and get to know each other better. After all, Sam had been a hardworking guy and there were a lot of things the two missed--and now they wanted to do some of them.

This portion of the film was wonderful. While somewhat plot less, it was a nice slice of life and some of these moments where the pair talked about their relationship were exquisitely made. Unfortunately, the end was a bit of a misdirection--and took the film in a much darker direction (particularly the very end). Still, like real life, things aren't always funny but deadly serious--so I am not so much criticizing but warning the viewer. Overall, some lovely performances in a movie whose main deficit is that it does not maintain a lot of the great momentum you saw during the road trip portion. Still, well worth seeing.
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