Gospel and Tapdancing "Good"…Jazz and Jitterbugging "Evil"
25 June 2014
Basically Inoffensive as the All Black Cast are quite Respectable and Professional All Around. The Film's Heavy Moralizing and the Religious Preaching are More Off Putting then the Dice Throwing and the Womanizing.

The Film's Lead Characters are so Laden with Religious Overtones and the Fact that Jazz and Jitterbugging are Considered "The Devil's Playground" are the Real Dated Racial Stereotyping put forth by Do-Gooding White Folks.

The Movie is Entertaining and has Enough Comedic and Musical Appeal that it Appears as Slick and Well Done as any of the MGM Musicals, Allowing for the Very Small Budget. It is Director Vincente Minnelli's Debut Feature and is Basically just a Filmed Version of the Successful Broadway Play with not Many Film Flourishes that are Above Standard or Pedestrian.

But the Entire Cast of Singers, Dancers, and Comedians Deliver a Rare Treat with one of the Few Major Studio Productions made with an All Black Cast. Ethel Waters is the Star and gets the most Screen Time and Numbers, Lena Horne is the Eye-Candy and Sings a Few. Eddie Rochester is OK but Hardly Memorable, and Duke Ellington is Short Changed a bit but is there doing His Thing Nonetheless.

Overall, a Pleasant Musical Comedy that Falls Somewhat Short of Greatness but is Very Good and Certainly Captures a Time and Place that is a Welcomed Historical Artifact.
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