28 July 2014
Warning: Spoilers
This may not be that historically accurate but it is still very entertaining. It is at least based on a real person and the actions did take place. James Garner passed away last week so TCM is running his movies. The ranger training by British commandos had some humorous spots and some sad ones. I really detested the hick American lover boy and it didn't bother me at all when he fell to his death. Nor when the husband where he had been staying left his wife because she was in love and had been screwing the lover boy. She goes to the camp only to find out lover boy was dead. I guess that could be called poetic justice, huh? The last action the Rangers go on will be their last as a unit. Two battalions are trying to infiltrate the German lines when they inadvertently run into a German offensive push. Only 7 of 767 men return from the two battalions, most of the others are captured. The movie ends with Darby going back to Washington. Darby returns to Italy and while planning the Trento assault is killed by an 88 shell.
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