Rock & Rule (1983)
A Unique "Rock" Movie, For Better or For Worse
25 July 2014
Rock and Rule is the perfect double feature with "Heavy Metal": 80s Canadian adult animated films covering similar genres of music, using the genre's stereotypes to their benefit. While I think this one's the better of the two, "Heavy Metal" is a lot more consistent...

The film begins with a text scroll, summing the premise far better than I or IMDb ever could:

"Another time...another place...Mok, a legendary superocker has retired to Ohmtown, a remote storm ravaged village famous for its unique power plant. It is here that he lays his plans for his comeback - a great and final performance that will secure his immortality. High in the hills of Ohmtown, Mok's computers work at deciphering an ancient satanic code which could unlock a doorway between his world and a darker dimension, while Mok himself searches for the last crucial component..."

(Also, all the characters are "Goof Troop"-style manimals...)

The premise is brilliant, and in some ways, Rock and Rule does a perfect job at delivering. Mok is the perfect rock villain: Dethklok-famous, smooth talking, a master of visual effects, and an egoistical madman. Angel is more than just a damsel in distress, and Omar isn't the typical virtuous hero. The animation is fairly solid, and provides some nice views of this post-apocalyptic world.

But some parts are too cartoony! The two other members of the band are completely forgettable, and serve little purpose beyond dumb humor. Mok's henchmen were not much better. The most famous man on Earth only has three dim-witted, roller-skating bulldogs for mooks? Worse yet is their sister, who looks exactly like them, but highly sexualized...they all seem out of place for a generally serious movie.

Also, for a film called "Rock and Rule", there isn't that much Rock n' Roll. Its less of a musical than a Disney film, and the background music is mostly synth IICR. The soundtrack isn't bad...but I'm glad I didn't go in with high expectations.

Its in a weird spot, between genres. It isn't outrageous enough to be called an X-rated cartoon, nor does it do an exceptional job at being either a sci-fi or a rock film. But overall, I'd say its a guilty pleasure of mine. It does succeed in areas few animated films touch. Few western cartoons are aimed at adults, and most of them are Adult Swim comedy shlock. Its also the only film I've seen, period, that attempts to be any sort of a "Rock Opera". If style over subsistence can carry a film for you, I'd say this is a decent choice.

If nothing else, the film does provide two awesome music numbers: "My Name is Mok" and the final piece, "Send Love Through". The songs, animation, and borderline camp of these two scenes alone are worth the price of admission. Its impossible not to smile at the ridiculously cheesy finale, played completely straight. Consider them the two additional stars.
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