Bloody Foreigners (2010– )
As docu-dramas go, not a bad show with an interesting bit of history
17 July 2014
I've more than a passing interest in this subject - the Poles serving in the Battle of Britain - as I'm now living in Poland, and I've lived in London seeing multiple generations of Poles helping Britain along the way.

This is a program long docu-drama about the Polish squadron in the Allied air force vs the Nazis in WWII. As docu-dramas go, it's not too bad - neither the usual over-dramatisation (if anything, by the standards of Battle of Britain dramas massively little sadness - which given the attrition rate is quite something) nor over-stretching for dramatic effect, it pretty much uses the actors to give a little humanity to the plain (accurate) story of Polish participation.

From the time when they struggled to be recognised, to when they were finally let into the air and performed fantastically (they did - as did the NZers...something else I can be proud of), and finally to them being swept under the carpet to avoid offending Stalin, it tells a fairly basic story and tells it well.

Not necessarily a must-see unless you have an interest in the subject but worth a watch.
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