Nothing you haven't seen 500 times before
6 August 2014
Warning: Spoilers
**Spoilers below**

'Found footage' films...isn't anyone getting sick and tired of seeing them yet? Yes. Yes, we are. Take note film makers. It's old. It's tired. It's been done to DEATH, if you'll pardon the pun.

I can sum up the entire movie thusly: Stupid, irritating crew shows up on site and is locked in. "What was that, did you hear that?" someone yells. Someone gets killed. Everybody runs amok screaming the "F" word. "What was that??" someone else yells. Someone else gets killed. Cameraman switches to infrared vision. Everybody runs amok screaming the "F" word. Someone else gets killed. Ghost rape. Everybody runs amok screaming the "F" word. They turn on each other. Someone else gets killed. "Oh my God...there's NO WAY OUT OF HERE!" someone screams, conveniently forgetting that they ASKED to be locked in. Someone else gets killed, and everybody runs amok yet again, screaming the "F" word. No one makes it out alive, and we never get to see but about a one second shot of the 'bad guy'. The end. SNORE!
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