Review of The Lonely

The Twilight Zone: The Lonely (1959)
Season 1, Episode 7
Unforgettable episode
7 August 2014
No need to offer a summary. Just look at the other posts; the science fiction plot is evident. What I want to call your attention to is a scene that comes in the middle of Act III when Jack Warden and Jean Marsh are cuddling under the night sky and admiring constellations with Warden pointing out and naming the stars. Bernard Herrmann's lilting music is playing just under the dialog. When Marsh's character (the robot, Alicia) looks up and says "God's beauty," you, the viewer, will be totally beguiled at the notion of man and robot - deeply in love - and the robot-girl affirming all creation as the work of a higher power. (The powerful irony being, of course, that she was created without a soul; her parents being chemistry and electrical wiring.)This beautifully written scene (for me, at least) is the apotheosis of The Twilight Zone series. It's here, in a desolate place that was once the depths of despair, the protagonist (Warden) goes beyond being physically connected (he and Alicia have been together for about 6 months at the time) to being spiritually connected. And you, the viewer will also be in love with the otherworldly, hauntingly beautiful Jean Marsh, about 25 years old at the time. If you see only one TZ episode, see this one.
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