The Weekenders (2000–2004)
One of the best cartoons of all time
12 August 2014
About a year ago, I vaguely remembered a Disney cartoon called "The Weekenders" from around 2000/2001, and I decided to do a little research on it. I'm so glad I did! "The Weekenders" chronicles the weekends of four average kids: Tino (Jason Marsden), Carver (Phil LaMarr), Lor (Grey DeLisle), and Tish (Kath Soucie). On paper, it does sound like a rather dull show. But what sets this show apart is its attention to the details.

Many cartoons base their humor on slapstick rather than clever writing. The quality of the "The Weekenders" writing, however, is such that you could actually imagine it being a live-action sitcom. Though it is supposedly a "kids' show," many jokes will fly over kids' heads. There are also some lines that are simply hilarious and unexpected.

Stellar voice acting adds to the attractiveness of "The Weekenders." Jason Marsden, famous for playing minor and semi-regular roles in sitcoms, voices the neurotic Tino. Phil LaMarr (the voice of Samurai Jack and Wilt from Foster's) plays fashion-obsessed Carver. Ubiquitous voice actress Grey DeLisle portrays Lor, the "jock," and Kath Soucie rounds out the bunch as the "brain," Tish. Each of the characters is very realistic and you can see yourself and others in them, much like Charles Schulz's "Peanuts." "The Weekenders" also employs unique techniques for an animated series. Often, the characters make asides to the audience (the screen fades to gray while only that character speaks). Also, running gags such as the disastrous off-screen exploits of Chloe Montez reward fans who watched the show from the beginning. Finally, like "As Told by Ginger" the characters actually change clothes when the days change in the show.

Overall, consistently witty writing, strong voice acting, and unique techniques make "The Weekenders" very fun to watch. It's truly a shame this show didn't have a long run like some other animated series; it certainly had the workings to do so.
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