Oh where, oh where has the quality gone?
22 August 2014
It's pretty obvious watching "Poco... Little Dog Lost" that it was trying to cash in on the mega success generated by the dog movie "Benji" just a short time earlier. I wasn't a fan of "Benji", but I must say that it comes across as an Oscar-worthy movie compared to this cheap knockoff. The dog in "Benji" was a smart and charismatic dog, while Poco comes across as downright dumb at times. For one thing, he deliberately sabotages chances for his rescue several times. The human angle of the movie is not much better - we get less footage than you'd think of the little girl searching for her dog, and in the little we do get, she comes across as real whiny and annoying. The biggest problem with the movie is how utterly dull it is. There's endless footage of the dog trotting through the wilderness, and the few encounters he has with humans or animals is not the least bit memorable or interesting. It's hard to believe this movie actually played in theaters. Though it's easy to figure out why it's been subsequently forgotten.
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