Review of Really

Really (2014)
Really going to get good.
30 August 2014
Here's what I love about TV: it never knows what it is right away. Remember the first season of The Office? The first season of Seinfeld? If those were all we had to go on, they never would have become the classic series that we all know them as now. They got the chance to grow, though, and I'm hoping Really does, too. Right now? It's just a group of interesting characters and a healthy dose of blowjob humor. There's not really much of a story beyond "what happens when you're married to the same person every day?" but there's room to expand here. I love Sarah Chalke's take on the hot suburban mom and Selma Blair gets to really show her range as a petulant wife after years of playing petulant single women. Based on the cast alone, I can't wait to see what happens when actual story lines get introduced. Also, the running gag that Chalke's character can never decide what to order to drink is so hilarious. Like a baby bird, Really deserves a chance to spread its wings and fly and I hope we all get to see that happen.
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