CSI : Who Are You?
14 September 2014
Warning: Spoilers
So you have that animosity between Brass and Warrick surfacing yet again, except this time it is over a cop's testimony regarding a suicide he was witness to, with the CSI needing to investigate to make sure. The cop is offended that his word is questioned while Brass sees this as an opportunity to serve as a "Union rep" which allows him to antagonize Warrick and, in turn, Sara (assigned to assist Warrick on the case). The tumultuous nature of CSI "scientists" and the "cops who face real danger on the streets" becomes a volatile situation Brass seems willing to allow to heat up while Grissom wants the flames fanned into nothing but smoke. So proving what happened at that scene will determine where the cop's bullet actually is (it was missing from his clip; he explains that it reduces the chance for his gun to jam, while CSI must make sure it wasn't fired in a criminal act) and if this was suicide as proclaimed. A questionable car jockey and a bullet found in a tire might just incite or diffuse a "war" no one wants on either side of the investigation. Grissom and Nick are working the case of a discovered skeletal corpse found inside a wall underneath a house as a plumber was searching for a leak. Grissom meets facial reconstructionist, Terri Miller (the stunning Pamela Gidley), who adds a face to the skull and through her work (she allows Grissom to assist, placing his face in clay and smoothing out the skull) Fay Green is named as the victim. Her former boyfriend might be the viable suspect, but his wife looks awful nervous as Grissom and Nick request investigating their home. A type of sand (not from a beach) found on the skeletal remains and specific puncture wounds from a tool with "crocodile teeth" will help assist the CSI in their investigation. The dissolved marriage of Catherine and her husband Eddie (character actor Timothy Carhart) had been mentioned in dialogue the first episodes of the season, and this is introduced thoroughly as a case of rape, regarding a stripper saying she was treated too roughly, brings their relationship to the forefront. Treading delicately as not to conflict the case of rape against Eddie, Catherine will try to investigate without touching the evidence, and perhaps she is able to conclude that this was less of a crime and more of expectations not met. Eddie is shown here to be a master manipulator and con as not only does he try to influence a little trip down memory lane with Catherine but his lying regarding "big contracts with musicians in the industry" to girls to get laid certainly doesn't help his cause. A great piece of acting from George Eads as a gun is pointed directly at him and he is interlocked in a standoff where his life could be hanging by a thread as the killer trembles in fear at everything crashing down around her. Nick is quite rattled by this experience as Grissom must halt what could be a dangerous situation. The skull fingers sticking out of concrete under the house is quite a grabber. Catherine's life as a stripper is mentioned here, and her scene with DNA analyst, Greg (Eric Szmanda, longtime series regular who stole scenes in early seasons) about "remembering her performance" was great! Brass once again carries himself like an asshole just trying to provoke hostility. The potential of a relationship between Grissom and Terri (the chemistry is truly palpable) never quite materializes unfortunately.
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