25 September 2014
Warning: Spoilers
like a lot of films that were originally books, it's nothing compared to the book, however i bought this on DVD and i'm constantly watching it; i just don't get bored of it. i mean it has ALEX PETTYFER in it like have you seen his cheek bones? gorgeous. anyway, i love the film and just the way it was made. Although some parts aren't right; like six doesn't have the fireproof legacy in the book, John (four) does; also the way Henri dies isn't right which kind of annoyed me but oh well it's still good. + i do recommend you reading the books (if you haven't already) because they're so good every time i think about them my heart aches:'3.

*in case your wondering 'i am number four' is the first book, then it's 'the power of six' then it's 'the rise of nine' then it's 'the fall of five' and a new one came out last month called 'the revenge of seven' which is AMAZING; there are also some little extra books like the one i'm currently reading called 'the last days on lorien'.*
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