Top Hat (1935)
Premium escapist fare
27 September 2014
There's nothing like Depression-era escapism, especially the Astaire-Rogers brand of it. Devoid of unpleasantness and cynicism, these films are light as air and fun, untouched by silly things like plot. Top Hat (1935) is the most famous of the Astaire and Rogers collaborations. I'm not sure if it's the best, but it's certainly my favorite.

Like I said before, the plot is of no consequence. It's the stuff of farce and isn't too memorable. What you're here for is witty dialogue, memorable music, and great dancing. Oh, and those gorgeous Art Deco sets and costumes.

There are a lot of movies I wish I lived in and this is one of them. What I wouldn't give to live in such a glamorous world in shimmering black and white...
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