Lucky Bastard (2014)
Well, if anything, it's a great sleep aid...
30 September 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Sometimes, "found footage" films feel like the writers/directors were just trying to cash in on a craze and make a film that doesn't necessarily require a script in order to get a big return or just get a film out there…and sometimes they're even worse.

"Lucky Bastard" is a thriller with no thrills and a horror with no scares. The actors looked lost on who exactly their characters are suppose to be and just, instead, settle for cheesy acting, it seems like the director had no idea about yelling "cut" or having the editor trim scenes, and the entire concept of bringing in tension was entirely foreign to the production. The entire film is just one long and terrifyingly bad example of how to not make a thriller. Every scene lasts way too long and the actors look like they are trying, and failing miserably, at improvising every scene. Then, as if the production was literally trying to make an awful film, they only include the moments that are, on paper, meant to be the thrilling part near the end of the film. The film wastes an entire hour without establishing anything but the most basic of its premises and completely forgetting to seed the ground in order for terror to sprout.

"Lucky Bastard" only had one thing in its favor…it cured my insomnia.

Hello! My name is Rev. Ron and if you feel like reading more of my rants, ramblings, geek references, bad jokes, and other movie reviews (like a more in-depth look at "Lucky Bastard" and other films that actually remember to include the frightening stuff) you can visit my blog at If you hate me now because my opinion on this film differed from yours, you don't need to visit.
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