Inner Demons (I) (2014)
Interesting and unique take on demon possession
11 October 2014
Inner Demons is a new and interesting take on the demon possession genre of horror.

Inner Demons is told in the vein of an unaired reality show episode similar to Intervention, called "Step Inside Recovery". It is season eight and the producers are pretty disillusioned and are just trying to get a shocking backstory and footage to keep ratings. Producers get what they asked for when the featured addict Carson says she's possessed by a demon and that's what is causing her addiction.

Yes, Inner Demons is technically unoriginal because once again we have a possession horror film. There are so many different versions released by now that how can anyone matter to add something new to the genre? Writer Glenn Gers manages to do just that by rethinking the idea of addiction. Every drug addict has a reason, always trying to dull the pain that lurks underneath and figuratively kill the darkness inside but Gers reinvents the causation of drug addiction to be literal. It is quite surprising this has never been thought of before, to my knowledge, and is an intelligent choice.

Carson is played by Lara Vosburgh who does a really wonderful job playing a demon possessed drug addled heroin/Oxycontin addict. Morgan McClellan is Jason, the new PA and camera operator who takes to Carson, believing her story, and trying to save her from the darkness. Both are sincere in their portrayal and provide surprisingly well acted roles in Inner Demons.

Seth Grossman provides the direction to Glenn Gers's witty and realistic dialogue. Nothing is sacred as the production crew insensitively and bluntly discuss their subject Carson with zero empathy.

Once Inner Demons focuses more on the demonic possession of Carson the film becomes more formulaic and expected and lacks the sinister gore typical of a person consumed by evil.

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