The Walking Dead: No Sanctuary (2014)
Season 5, Episode 1
The Best Episode
13 October 2014
Warning: Spoilers
This was, in my opinion, the best episode so far of The Walking Dead. The wait for this premiere has felt like a long one, but the episode picks up just where it left off and makes you feel as if you never even quit watching the show.

This review will be quick and short, just like the episode felt.

The writers didn't waste their time dragging out this Terminus thing. They're in and they're out, leaving fire, blood and death in their wake. Refusing to focus on the cannibalism of the Terminus group was a wise choice. Even the producers of The Walking Dead know we, the viewers, can only handle so much. The short scenes of cannibalism were enough to make you queasy.

Each episode they find a new way to kill a zombie that tops the last. This time? Zombies on fire. Can't beat that.

The best part, though, about this episode is the few short minutes when the group finally reunites. Tears are shed and hugs are given, and it's right then that I realized how emotionally attached to these characters I've become.

I used to pity them, but as the series has progressed, I've come to love them.

Overall, 10/10. If the writers keep it up like this for the rest of the next 15 episodes, we may just have one incredible season on our hands.

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