The Walking Dead: No Sanctuary (2014)
Season 5, Episode 1
Intensity, Explosions and some Emotion for good measure.
13 October 2014
It's been long awaited and finally the ultimate post apocalyptic world of The Walking Dead has returned and it could not have taken a better step forward. It's bold, exciting and still retains the same doom impending atmosphere the Walking Dead has become renowned for. Continuing on from were season 4 left off, Rick and his fellow survivors are held captive in Terminus after the false message luring them to the sanctuary turned out to indeed not offer safety and security, but doom. However Carol and Tyreese along with Rick's infant daughter Judith remain on the road to Terminus in the hopes of regrouping with Rick and the others. In it's short space of air time the episode establishes the themes we can expect from season 5 and sets the bar high. The Walking Dead is back and no doubt the writers want people to know they mean business. The episode serves as proof that the show has come a long way since season 1 on many fronts, from special effects to acting to pacing, this is what the fans have been waiting for. There's a lot on the line for Rick and his fellow survivors, and failure is just one bite away. Hunt or be hunted indeed.
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