Made in the USA
25 October 2014
Warning: Spoilers
***SPOILERS*** After her brother was killed by a sabotaged artillery shell testing out this new and improved mortar for the US Army 24 year old US Government office worker Irene Eaton,Sally Eilers, decided to infiltrate the spy ring involved in her brother's death and have them brought to justice. It didn't take long for Irene to make contact with the spy ring leader Dr. Krull, Fritz Leiber, who despite his misgivings about her completely took her into his confidence. Dr. Krull matched Irene up with his #1 Huntly, Allan Lane, to dig up information in a super bomb that's being experimented with by the US Army that can be guided, not just dropped, to its target from as high as 20,000 feet in the air.

As it later turned out Huntley just like Irene are spying for the USA not for the un-named and fictional, something like Inner Slobovia, nation that their supposed to be working for to keep it from getting the information about the super bomb that the US is working on. It's much later when the person involved in the super bomb project Col. Shaw, Frank M. Thomas, is kidnapped by the spy ring that both Irene & Huntley who didn't know that each other were working for the same team, the US Government, save his life thus blowing their cover. But at the same time realizing that being involved with each other won't hurt their future marriage plans as well as careers as US Government Agents.

****SPOILERS**** The entire spy ring starts to unravel with the untouchable, in his mind, Dr. Krull getting gunned down in his hideout by the police and the real Mr.Big and mastermind***MAJOR SPOILER***of the spy ring Everett Brock, Addison Richards, making his escape in of all places the very top of the some 800 foot Washington Monument! With no where to go but down and the Capital Police about to put the cuffs on him Brock in forgetting to have a parachute on hand escapes justice by jumping to his death without as much, in facing the electric chair, as a second thought.

P.S The hero of the movie Allan Lane became famous some 20 years later as the voice for the talking horse in the popular TV show "Mister Ed."
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