From disco to disco, town after town, Hercules is trying to get down with the love
10 November 2014
In yet another brain-frying exercise in special effects, glistening pecs, and men without kecks, Lou Ferrigno must this time track down seven thunderbolts that have been stolen from Zeus by Hera and some of her buddies, but don't try thinking about the plot because I tried that and am not sure of my kid's names any longer. Hmm. Shame.

What's not a shame is Luigi Cozzi letting loose that crazy imagination of his in and epic avalanche of insane cosmology. Want nearly every scene in the film full of those cartoony eighties effects? Then this is your film (and so is the first one too).

After Herc has pummeled quite a few weird monsters into submission, I was kind of worried that he had by that point only thrown one thing into space, but luckily for me Luigi set the entire last act in space! Also, the madness continued until my wife asked "Why is Godzilla fighting King Kong in space?" Words cannot convey that scene.

This one stars Venantino Venantini (City of the Living Dead, Seven Deaths in the Cats eye - check out his crazy wig!), William Berger (Dial Help, Strike Commando), Claudio Cassineli (Mountain of the Cannibal God, What have they Done to Your daughters), Margit Newton (Zombie Creeping Flesh, The Final Executioner) and Maria Rosaria Ommagio (Nightmare City, The Cop in Blue Jeans).

You don't need gore or boobs for a good Italian film, if this film had that, the world would truly explode or perhaps just fly about the places like it does in this film.
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