Proof The Europeans Were Envious Of Americans First To Flight
11 November 2014
Warning: Spoilers
This is a decent British made (but very biased) film probably an 8 or 9 for an aviation enthusiast from Europe. I'm giving it a 6 although I could have rated it less. I watched it on Turner Classic Movies (USA version) because it was described as a comedy drama featuring Laurence Olivier so that sounded interesting to me. Thinking it was a feature film I was surprised that it was actually a second feature documentary. Laurence Olivier plays one balloonist from the 18th century so with a total time of around 70 minutes and dozens of aviators featured his screen time is about 1 minute long and he plays an Italian! That is probably the highlight of the film actually. It gets pretty boring and actually disappointing when they get to the climatic Wright Brothers who have no actors playing them with lines and their screen time is about 30 seconds. The reenactment did look nice though. Much more time is given to the English Channel crossing (go figure). Then after WWI they skip the round the world flight by the US Army in 1924 and instead talk about a bunch of, you guessed it, European and British Commonwealth aviators. A very very brief mention is given to Lindberg, Earhart, and Wiley Post, probably because they were just too big at the time to be ignored. It finishes with what seems to be a lot of filler material about sea planes which could have easily been shortened, before getting back on track and showing some innovative new planes. It's possible that this was a big infomercial FOR the Imperial Airways Flying Boat business! 6 of 10 may be too generous but the footage of early helicopters and other pioneering planes (auto-car!) and the reenactments will make an aviation buff glad they watched. One thing I figured out in reflection shortly after I finished this is that the British were nurturing ties with the Italians showing a lot of their participation in the air races of the 20's and 30's and definitely could care less about the Americans who had Doolittle (of Raid On Tokyo fame) win the Snyder Cup for 3 years but is never mentioned. I cannot imagine a non aviation buff viewer of 2014 finishing this film. Also, the version I watched had Churchill in it so I probably watched a re-release version and not the one from 1936 unless they were being very prophetic because Churchill was in politics then but not the Prime Minister.
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