Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare (2014 Video Game)
One of the BEST Call of Duty's ever made!
6 November 2014
This game is seriously amazing! After ghosts came out I thought Call of Duty was done for. Then I heard about Advanced Warfare and thought that maybe the new company Sledge Hammer can create something good, AND THEY DID! I enjoy everything this game has to offer! The campaign is really good! The story is well presented, better than the MW2 and MW3 and Ghosts campaigns. I never know what to expect which is rare for Call of Duty campaigns. The multiplayer is also amazing! You have your standard Team Deathmatch and search and destroy and all that which is alright, because the are still fun to play! Another big improvement that I really liked is the maps! They are a much better size so it's easier to find and kill other players. The maps are also very cool, one of the maps includes a tsunami which is really cool! They also added another game mode called Exo Survival! It's basically like the survival mode in MW3, except it's waaay cooler! You never know what your going to face, dogs, drones, or even just grab some intel. It's a fun experience and really fun to play! Overall, Call of Duty Advanced Warfare has kept the Call of Duty Saga alive! And is going to start a new era in Call of Dutys in the future!
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