The Circle (1925)
Superb transcription of Maugham's stage play!
30 November 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Although that staunch romanticist, Frank Borzage, could not resist changing the conclusion of Maugham's play, this is a most entrancing and enjoyable movie with a cast of well-delineated and thoroughly believable characters, superbly enacted by a really engaging group of players led by Eugenie Besserer, George Fawcett and the charismatic Alec B. Francis. And although he is not exactly what you would call "engaging", Creighton Hale is perfect as the fusspot husband of our lovely heroine, Eleanor Boardman. I guess Joan Crawford's fans might feel short-changed, but this was only the fourth of her 104 credits, and even at this stage, she still makes quite an impression. As might be expected from M-G-M, the large sets are perfection plus and the photography absolutely outstanding. The uncredited make-up men also deserve praise. Even the ill-fitting wig worn by Miss Besserer is absolutely perfect for the character she plays with such gusto and panache. Available on an excellent Warner Archive DVD.
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