So much potential but fails to deliver
5 December 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Oh dear! I can imagine the pitch now, a fantastical adventure with a stellar cast, Indiana Jones meets Hugo.. Unfortunately from the very beginning it begins to fall apart. Everything is explained all too quickly and where there may have been a hope for mystery and a great story, we are told everything in the first few minutes, much like in The Golden Compass, thus destroying all hope of the viewer gradually unfolding the truth and being drawn into the characters and events. The dialogue really does not help and everything is far too obvious, there are no secrets in this film, our main hero confides everything he knows to a scullery girl he has never even met before, and she believes it all without question. The screenplay does not really make sense either and just adds to the lack of suspense, worse still is the complete lack of spatial continuity, you continually feel that the locations chosen do not flow, and the film jars from one place to the next. I could go on and pick fault in almost all departments, and what comes out from it is a film made by a director without a singular vision. All in all a spectacular waste of talent and money.
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