The Evil Within (2014 Video Game)
Nightmare Fuel
5 December 2014
This game takes limbo and dips it into acid, making it more crazy.

The Evil Within was the most over hyped horror game of this year, everybody wouldn't stop talking about this game, just like Watch Dogs and Destiny. Then the game started to got negative response from some people when it came out. I got to be honest I didn't know this game existed until my friend brought it up to me and I started to get curious about it so I watched some of the game-play from TheRadBrad and I got a little but interested, now I played and beaten the game I can happily say that I enjoyed this game.

The game play in this game feels like a good come back to the good all days of survival horror. I always like little details in games and this game has many to share with it's horror parts, like every time I come to a new area I will normally find dead bodies on the ground, bullet holes all over the wall and the sense of me going deeper into limbo and slowing fading away from reality.

The graphs may look old version and out dated for some people and that's the biggest problem that people had, but I actually thought the old looking graphs fit the game perfectly, because has I said before this game is like a big tribute to classic survival and if the game is going to do that, it's got to look like one.

The boss fights in the game are challenging to the point were I almost pulled my hair out by the hard boss fights, but the game what's to challenge you and tries not to make it easy and when you do kill the boss you feel a bad-ass and a sense of relief, and I can't fault the game for doing that.

The main character of the game has to be the most blandest person on the face of earth. He's like the perfect cop that can't get hurt because his the perfect bad-ass kind of person, oh and his only dialogue in the game is, "Hum?" or "What the-", and let's not forget "WOW".

The dialogue in the game to me could had some re-writes, because most of the character's dialogue is just them reacting to anything with one, two or three words spoken out of them.

Overall The Evil Within is enjoyable game for me, in my opinion better than Watch Dogs. The game give me good memories of other horror games that truly scared me years ago and I got to give the game that. People may disagree on me about this and that's fine, but don't hate please.
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